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CTET Jan 2012 Paper 1 Environmental Studies With Solution

CTET January 2012 (Paper 1) Environmental Studies with Solution

Online Mock Test

Tayari Online Has Been Brought Online For You, Solved Question Paper Of CTET Environmental Studies January 2012 (Paper 1). Tayari Online Has Prepared CTET January 2012 (Paper 1) Environmental Studies As A Mock Test For You Which Will Help You To Check Your Level Of Preparation And Will Familiarize You With The Answer From CTET January 2012 Question Paper. This Paper Was Conducted By CBSE on January 2012. With This Paper, Candidates Can Easily Know The Level Of Questions. This Paper Consists Of 150 Questions. Candidates Preparing For CTET Exam Are Advised To Solve This Paper Which Is Given By This Mock Test, In Addition To Other Previous Years Question Papers Of CTET. The Link To Download Other Previous Year Papers Of CTET Is Given At The End Of This Article.

Instructions for mock test candidates

1- The test used to be of one and a half hours duration but now it is two and a half hours and consists of 150 questions. There is no negative marking. This test booklet consists of five parts, I, II, III, IV and V, containing 150 objective type questions, each containing 30 questions:

Part I: Child Development and Pedagogy (Q. 1 to Q. 30)

Part II: Mathematics (Q. 31 to Q. 60)

Part III: Environmental Studies (Q. 61 to Q. 90)

Part IV: Language I – (English / Hindi) (Q. 91 to Q. 120)

Part V: Language II – (English / Hindi) (Q.121 to Q.150)

2- Take this mock test by taking a copy and pen for rough work.

3- Read the questions carefully, mark the correct answer and press the next button.

4- At the end of the mock test you will be shown your result, see the result in which your questions will be shown with answers, which will help you to evaluate you, look at your answer sheet and evaluate yourself.

5- If you want to download this question paper then at the end of this article you will get the question paper of CTET 2012 January (Paper 1), you can download it.

Created on By Vishal Kumar

Central Teacher Eligibility Test-CTET

CTET January 2012 (Paper 1) Environmental Studies With Solution

Tayari Online Has Been Brought Online For You, Solved Question Paper Of CTET January 2012 Environmental Studies  (Paper 1). Tayari Online Has Prepared Environmental Studies  CTET January 2012 (Paper 1) As A Mock Test For You Which Will Help You To Check Your Level Of Preparation And Will Familiarize You With The Answer Environmental Studies  From CTET January 2012 (Paper 1) Question Paper. This Paper Was Conducted By CBSE on January 2012.

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Directions: Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

Question : Weight-lifters are generally required to make more muscles and body mess. For the purpose, they need to take a diet which is rich in 

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Rekha’s mother adds Phitkari (Alum) to water collected from the pond every day in order to

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Which one of the following teaching strategies will be most effective for maximum involvement of students in teaching the concept of food chain?

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In order to separate a mixture of sand and salt, which one of the following four sequences of processes has to be used?

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A science teacher administered a test after teaching the topic on ‘Respiration’ and observed that majority of the students did not understand the difference between respiration and breathing. This could be due to the reason that

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Which one of the following is a good cooking practice?

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While teaching the topic on ‘Air’, an EVS teacher wanted to demonstrate that air has weight and occupies space. Her colleague suggested the following four different activities for this purpose to her:

A. Place an empty inverted beaker on the surface of the water and start pressing it down

B. Suck the juice through a straw

C. Blow air in a balloon

D. Tie two inflated balloons to a rod and establish equilibrium. Then puncture one of the balloons.

Which of the above activities will lead to demonstrating the desired result?

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Which one of the following four teaching methodologies followed by four different Science teachers for teaching the topic ‘Air Pollution’ is most appropriate?

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A teacher can identify a stressed child when the child shows the following behaviour:

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While performing experiments with water, Jyoti observed that an empty steel bowl floats but a small iron nail sinks in water. This can be explained by the fact that

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Which one of the following pairs of life processes occurs both in plants and animals?

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Anjali’s friend suggested the following four ways to avoid tooth decay:

A. Brush your teeth twice a day

B. Wear braces to avoid enamel decay

C. Avoid sweets, chocolates and carbonated drinks

D. Rinse mouth after every meal

Which of the above ways should Anjali follow?

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Study the Venn diagram given below:

Which of the following animals can be placed at ‘X’?

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An air-pump is kept in an aquarium in order to

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A fish dies when it is put in an aquarium filled with previously boiled water but cooled to room temperature. This happens because the water in the aquarium is

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Which one of the following best describes the features on the surface of the Moon?

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Arti noticed the following precautions related to prevention of spread of a disease on a poster:

A. Do not let water collect around you

B. Keep water pots, coolers and tanks clean

C. Spray oil if water has collected at some place

D. Use nets to protect yourself

The poster is aimed at creating awareness about the spread of

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In which one of the following groups are the words intimately related?

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The major purpose of periodic parent- teacher interactions is to

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While teaching how different food items can be kept fresh for some time, Radha enumerated the following techniques to her class:

A. Put it in a bowl and keep the bowl in an open container having cold water

B. Wrap it in a damp cloth

C. Spread it open in sunshine

D. Cut it into small pieces and keep it in the dark

Which one of the following food items is she referring to, corresponding to techniques ‘b’ above?

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While teaching the topic ‘Friction’ to Class V students, a teacher gave a number of examples to explains that friction is also useful to us in many ways. Which one of the following examples was quoted by her incorrectly?

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All big cities are facing the problem of environmental pollution as a result of a large number of vehicles on the roads. The best way an individual in the city can contribute towards environmental protection is by

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Samir of Class V usually does not submit his assignment to the EVS teacher in time. The best corrective measure could be to

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While teaching the topic on ‘Air is everywhere’, a teacher asks the following questions from the students:

A. Is there air in the soil?

B. Is there air inside water

C. Is there air inside our body?

D. Is there air inside our bones?

Which one of the following skills is the teacher trying to develop in the learners?

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There are four below average students in a class. Which one of the following strategies will be most effective to bring them at par with the most students?

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Which one of the following sequences of steps is the correct way of preparing a balanced question paper?

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The topic ‘Depletion of Petroleum and Coal’ was taught to Section A of a class by using multimedia capsule while the other Section B was taught through diagrams drawn on the Green Board. It was found later that students Section A understood the topic to a better extent. This could be due to the reason that

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In order to introduce the topic on ‘Nutrition’ in class more effectively, a teacher should

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Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate are five important ‘Es’ in relation to effective teaching of Science.

To provide practical experiences to the students related to the concept of ‘Necessary conditions for germination’, a Science teacher asks them to do the following activities:

A. Soak seeds overnight and keep these is a wet cotton cloth.

B. Observe the seeds after two days and record the changes.

C. Read the book and attempt the given worksheet.

Which of the five ‘Es’ given above are not being covered in the above activities given by the teacher?

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After having been taught about the rich flora and fauna in India, the students of primary classes were taken to Ranthambhore National Park by the school. This would help the students to

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